Violent Extremism

Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Programs

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have inappropriately skewed the threat of violent extremism and domestic terrorism solely against Arabs and Muslims, ignoring other violent radical groups. The fatally flawed Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) paradigm: pilot programs, the “Don’t Be a Puppet” web-based program aimed at high schools students, the Shared Responsibility Committee ‘s (SRCs), government policies, practices, and legislation; are aimed at and/or effectively continue to target Arabs and Muslims under the premise that they are inherently predisposed to committing acts of violence, acts of terror. This is racial and religious profiling, and targeting of individuals without individual assessment and satisfying the legal burden of probable cause.

Click here to read ADC’s Grant Guidelines for DHS related CVE Funding

The CVE program’s identified risk factors for radicalization and/or susceptibility to engage in violent extremism are broad and over inclusive, and not grounded in science. The current CVE framework is based on theories that have been repeatedly disproven. One such assumption is the “radicalization theory,” which suggests that there is an identifiable path or blueprint that an individual follows on the road to becoming an extremist and ultimately committing an act of violence. Another assumption deals with the concept of “indicators.”16 According to this assumption, there are distinguishable signs an individual exhibits that would suggest he or she is on a  path to committing a violent crime. Academics and policymakers have long discredited these assumptions; yet, current CVE programs are based on the assumption that these theories are true.

Our Previous Work

Federal Legislation & Policy Efforts

Over a Dozen Civil Rights Organizations Demand Letter to FBI on Removal of “Don’t Be a Puppet”
October 14, 2022
ADC and Coalition Partners Letter to DOJ and DHS Demanding Removal of “Don’t Be a Puppet” Website
October 14, 2022
ADC Letter to Senators on Problems with the Senate CVE Bills – S. 2418 CVE in Social Media Act and S. 2369/S.2522 Community Partnership Act
October 14, 2022
Coalition Letter to Congress Highlighting Civil Rights and Liberties Problems of HR2899: The CVE Act
October 14, 2022
ADC Request to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to Investigate the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program
October 14, 2022
ADC Written Testimony to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Investigations –
October 14, 2022
ADC Statement of the Record to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee for the Countering Violent Extremism Act of 2015
October 14, 2022
ADC Statement for the Record to Subcommittee on National Security Hearing: Combating Homegrown Terrorism (August 2017)
October 14, 2022

    Counter Messaging & Education Resources

    ADC Congressional Issue Brief for Meetings and Advocacy
    October 14, 2022
    ADC Brief on Impact of CVE on Human Rights & Freedom of Expression – UN Special Rapporteur Report
    October 14, 2022