The 2014 National Convention Program
ADC is proud to introduce the program for the 34th Annual National Convention. Civil rights are the focus of this year’s convention; “It takes a Community” is the theme. It truly does take a community of engaged members to protect our civil rights and preserve our cultural heritage. ADC invites you join the Arab American community in commemorating the 50th Anniverary of the Civil Rights Act on June 12-15 at the 2014 National Convention.
2014 National Convention
Program in Brief*
Thursday, June 12
Members Briefing at the U.S. Department of State
Advocacy Day: Meetings with Congressional Staff
Debriefing on Capitol Hill
Congressional Dinner – Capitol Hill
Evening Reception
Friday, June 13
ADC Welcome
The BDS Movement: A Palestinian Struggle to Achieve a Lasting Peace based on International Law, Justice, and Freedom
Annual Civil Rights Luncheon: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
50 Years After the Civil Rights Act: Challenges and Opportunities
Lawyers Report back from Guantanamo Bay
Activism on College Campuses: Best Practices for Campus Activism
Network of Arab American Lawyers of DC (NAALA) Reception
Friday Night Gala: Celebrating a Community, Celebrating Diversity
Saturday, June 14
Arab American Identity
Immigration Reform: Update and Insight
Arabs Outside the Arab Center – A look at emerging communities from outside the Levant
Women’s Empowerment Luncheon
Social Activism in the 21st Century: Facilitating Change through the media and Web Roots
Activism in the Arts: How to Create Change through Artistic Expression
The Criminalization of Being Arab
Saturday Night Awards Gala
Haffla Dance Party
Sunday, June 15
General Assembly Meeting
Palestine Panel: Ending the Occupation or Beginning Annexation?
Palestine Luncheon
*Program Subject to Change
Early Registration Now Open!
To Register: Register before June 1 and get a $100 discount ($99 for students, $199 for ADC Members, and $299 for Non-Members)
Click here to become a Sponsor.
Click here to Reserve a Hotel Room.
Click here to view the 2014 National Convention Facebook page.

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