Invitation: Free Concert at the Venezuelan Embassy
Peter Jones, Luci Murphy, Lilo Gonzalez, Rumisonko and Foty Fusion
Saturday, September 27 at 7 PM
Bolivarian Hall of the Venezuelan Embassy
2443 Massachusetts Ave, NW.
Washington DC 20007
“After seeking songs for 2 years from around the world, the Janana CD finally saw the light. The 16 songs here were graciously donated by friends from around the world (South Africa, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, USA, Bolivia, Japan, Ireland, Lebanon, and Palestine) to a CD dedicated to Palestinian refugee children living in Exile.
We hope that the songs in this special CD will create the magical atmosphere that will enchant children everywhere and inspire them to join the band.”
Proceeds from the sales of CD support the Jana Music Program that engages young Palestinians in discovering the magical world of music.
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