Washington, DC | www.adc.org | February 21, 2014- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is a leading, non-partisan, secular, inclusive, civil rights organization, chartered towards supporting the American-Arab community in upholding their rights and privileges as U.S. citizens and preserving their cultural heritage.
ADC’s mission is to support civil and human rights of Americans of Arab descent and oppose racism and bigotry in all its forms, consistent with American values enshrined in the Constitution of the United States.
In order to further its core purpose, consistent with the same values of equality for all, ADC introduces the Women’s Empowerment Forum (WEF).
ADC-WEF works towards mainstreaming gender and women’s empowerment issues across the country, notably through partnerships with various Women’s Organizations. The WEF shall have the important task of promoting issues such as female leadership roles and gender equality. It is an opportunity to reflect on the progress of women’s rights, as well as a call for change and continuance of such a progress.
This year, ADC-WEF is proud to host ADC’s International Women’s Day Celebration. During the event, a few outstanding figures will be acknowledged for their roles in promoting the progress of gender equality and for excellence in leadership in their various realms of endeavor.