ADC-Women’s Empowerment Forum invites you to the 2015 International Women’s Day celebration on Tuesday March 31th.
The event will be held at the Downtown Ritz Carlton Hotel and will consist of a Panel Seminar, Awards Ceremony and Keynote Dinner.
Location: Ritz Carlton Hotel
Address: 1150 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037
Time: 5:00PM – “Women for Peace” Panel Discussion
6:30PM – Awards Dinner
Tickets: $125 per person and $1,500 for a table
Opportunities for Sponsorship are available at different levels and include one full table, mention in the Program and recognition during the Event:
Silver Level: $1,500
Gold Level: $5,000
Platinum Level: $10,000
Please contact Jala Naguib at 202.244.2990 or
[email protected] to purchase tickets and for more information.
Click here to read the recap of last year’s ADC-WEF International Women’s Day Celebration.

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