In-Person and Webcast Registration Now Open for ADC CLE Program:

In person & via live webcast ***Lawyers ONLY*** advance registration required.
To register: Send an email to [email protected] and include your name, bar number, and state where you would like to receive CLE credit. Please indicate whether you will be attending in person or via webcast.
The Network of Arab-American Lawyers of ADC (NAALA) presents, “Asylum in Underserved Communities,” a CLE program that will educate attorneys on the nuts and bolts of filing asylum claims and claims for temporary protected status. The CLE program is targeted towards attorneys that would like to learn how to file asylum claims and those attorneys who want to refresh their knowledge. The program is specifically geared towards filing asylum and TPS claims for persons from Arab countries.
Panel topics include:
Temporary Protected Status
Asylum & the 5 Protected Grounds
Proving Membership in a Particular Social Group
Country conditions in high influx Asylum-seeker Nations (Syria, Iraq, Palestine)
Click here to view the program schedule for details.
Friday, March 27, 2015
9:30am to 3:30pm EST
American Bar Association
1050 Connecticut Avenue NW
5th Floor, Conference Rooms A-C
Washington, D.C. 20036
Susan Akram, Esq.
Supervising Attorney, Boston Univ. Civil Litigation Program
Abed A. Ayoub, Esq.
Legal & Policy Director, ADC
Scott E. Bratton, Esq.
Partner, Margaret Wong & Assoc., LPA
Nash J. Fayad, Esq.
President, Fayad Law, P.C.
Jennifer I. Peyton, Esq.
Attorney at Law, LLC
CLE Credits:
NJ, OH, TX (approved for 4.5 CLE credits)
FL (approved for 5.5 CLE credits)
NY, VA (approval pending)
CA, IL (will submit upon request)
(ADC may apply for CLE credit in other states depending on levels of participation.)
***Special thanks to the American Bar Association for their support and for providing use of their facilities. For more information on this CLE Event, please contact ADC Legal at 202-244-2990 or [email protected].

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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]
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