Impending Massacres By Israel Must Be Stopped

Washington, DC | | October 9, 2024 – The Israeli regime is outdoing themselves in the genocide of Palestinians. Over the past few days hospitals across Gaza have been forced to evacuate. Patients inside the hospitals, including babies in intensive care incubators, face death as they are forced to move across an obliterated landscape that is not safe from the occupation forces’ bombs and sniper fire. Israel’s demolition of some of the last remaining health centers in Gaza has further crippled access to essential medical care.

At this moment the Jabalia Refugee Camp is being surrounded and attacked relentlessly, with a blackout on information from the inside. This blackout of information follows recent targeted assassinations of journalists by Israel in order to prevent the world from seeing images of the massacres that are about to be committed. In an inhumane act of cruelty, Israel destroyed and burned the only bakery serving Palestinians in the Jabalia Refugee Camp – part of their systemic plan to starve the population of Gaza.

Call on Congress to Demand an End to the Genocide and an Arms Embargo

In the North of Gaza, over the past four days approximately 400,000 Palestinians have been forcibly and violently displaced from their homes, and many of them massacred. The Israeli regime has declared their intention to annex much of Gaza under the guise of creating a “military zone” which is what they have done for decades to steal Palestinian land all over Palestine and resettle it. This is happening openly and with total impunity.

For the last year, the Biden-Harris Administration has been more than aware of the massive scale of the genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinian people, and has failed to do anything to stop it. This failure of leadership does not alleviate the Administration of its responsibility to bring an end to the genocide immediately, and it does have the power to do so. All signs are pointing towards an escalation of the massacres Israel will inflict upon Palestinians over the next few days. There is a great sense of urgency and the Administration and lawmakers must act immediately.

Take a moment now and send a message to your elected official demanding an immediate end to the genocide, and an arms embargo. Your activism is working, we are seeing members of Congress take a principled position after hearing from you. We need to keep pushing, click the link below and take action now.

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