Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July 17, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) joins If Americans Knew in calling upon its members to urge senators to oppose sending even more money to Israel in a Senate vote that will be taking place at 10 AM this morning.
Please take 10 minutes of your time this morning to call the senators below to tell them to oppose sending an additional $621 million to Israel, on top of the $3.1 billion we already give to Israel every year. The passage of this bill would also cut the U.S. defense budget by $500 million!
You don’t need to spend more than 15 seconds on each call, saying: “Please tell the senator to vote against the additional funding to Israel in the Defense Appropriations bill, especially since Israel is massacring people in Gaza right now.”
Contact the senators below by calling the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and asking for their office:
- Tom Harkin, IA
- Tom Udall, NM
- Patrick J. Leahy, VT
- Mark Begich, AK
- Lisa Murkowski, AK
- Richard C. Shelby, AL
- Mark Pryor, AR
- Dianne Feinstein, CA
- Dan Coats, IN
- Richard Durbin, IL
- Mitch McConnell, KY
- Mary L. Landrieu, LA
- Barbara Milkulski, MD
- Jeanne Shaheen, NH
- Thad Cochran, MS
- Jon Tester, MT
- John Hoeven, ND
- Mike Johanns, NE
- Jeff Merkley, OR
- Jack Reed, RI
- Lindsey Graham, SC
- Tim Johnson, SD
- Lamar Alexander, TN
- Patty Murray, WA
Please forward this email to your contacts and share If Americans Knew’s Facebook post on this matter. Let’s act quickly to make our voices heard.

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