Help Us Take a Strong Stance Against Anti-Arab Hatred
Dear Supporter,
I am writing to ask for your support during a very crucial time in our organization’s mission of protecting our community. As you may have already heard, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has been making waves in its condemnation of American Sniper‘s negative portrayal of Arabs and Muslims. After seeing a significant spike in threats against our community from American Sniper moviegoers after viewing the film, ADC sprang into action to protect our collective rights.
We’ve issued letters to Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper asking them to stand with us against threats from American Sniper moviegoers, compelled a public statement from the film’s Warner Bros. studios, and spurred an entire public awareness campaign of the racism to which we have been subjected as a result of such negative media portrayals.
As a result of our strong public stance, ADC has been subjected to countless racist threats, insults, and attacks in recent weeks. Here are just a few:
“F*** all of you islamic scumbags. Get the f*** OUT of MY country. Every last one of you should be expelled from America and expelled NOW! Neanderthalic assholic vermin. Savages!”
“Hoo-yaa. I cheered loudly everytime Chris Kyle popped a rag head with a 50 cal round. It’s taking too long to rid the world of Muslim vermin. Nuke the cockroach raghead.”
“You are in America! We are the most heavily armed nation in the world and the most violent. Mess up with a successful terrorist attack that you are financing and supporting – you will need Gods help because she is the only force on earth that will protect you from us.”
Our staff has worked swiftly and effectively in addressing threats received by both our office as well as our constituents. But, we can’t do it alone. This is a fight against racism that we need your help to win. Please donate to ADC today.
Remember, when you donate to ADC, you are investing in the future of the Arab-American community. Your generous contribution is tax-deductible when you contribute to the ADC Research Institute (ADC-RI), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Thank you in advance for your continued support. Together, we can make waves. May we actualize our vision of a bright and peaceful America, together.

Samer Khalaf, Esq.
PS: If you are making your donation to ADCRI, you will receive your tax-deduction for this year, if you make it by the end of 2014. Your employer or that of your spouse may double or triple your gift; please check with your HR department.

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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]
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