Google Removes “Bomb Gaza,” Ignores Other Anti-Arab Apps
Washington, DC | www.adc.org | August 7, 2014 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) issued a statement on Monday demanding that Google removes its anti-Arab applications from Google Play, including “Bomb Gaza,” “Gaza Assault: Code Red,” “Whack the Hamas,” amongst others.
We are very happy that as of today, Google has removed all three applications, and similar ones like them, from its interface.
Yet, there are still several remaining anti-Arab applications in the Google Play store that require immediate removal. ADC will continue pressing for a meeting with Google executives to address the issue and discuss how to avoid similar situations in the future.
ADC commends its members on the quick action against “Bomb Gaza” and encourages its members to continue reporting all anti-Arab and racist apps on Google Play to [email protected]. ADC will continue to keep you updated on further developments regarding this matter.

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