ADC Successfully Raises Money for Release of Arab-American Activist Bassem Masri in St. Louis, MO
Washington, DC | | November 28, 2014 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is happy to announce Arab-American civil journalist and activist Bassem Masri’s release from jail in St. Louis, MO and would like to thank everyone involved in our collective mission to crowdsource his bond.
Bassem was placed under an unsual cash-only bond of $15,000 for dubious charges. There is reason to believe that his arrest was an attempt to silence his coverage of events in Ferguson, which has livestreamed to audiences as large as 90,000 people. With the incredible spirit of the Ferguson community, we raised more than our goal of $15,000 in just over 24 hours.
Upon his release, Bassem stated, “I am truly honored and thankful to have such a family of supporters. These intimidation tactics have been used on us in this community for years, and recent events have brought all these atrocities to light.”
Every dollar given to Bassem has been a statement for the preservation of our civil rights. Individuals both inside and outside the U.S. rallied together to make this happen — with people donating, sharing, and raising awareness about Bassem’s arrest around the world. Indeed, Ferguson is everywhere.
To stay updated about Bassem’s case, get emails from us directly by signing up for our newsletter at
Bassem’s message to everyone is, “I love you all, and remember: the people united will never be defeated.” For more Ferguson updates, follow Bassem’s Twitter @Bassem_Masri.
Thank you for allowing ADC to serve the Ferguson community in whatever modest way we could.

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