Federal Court Issues Order to Block
Crucial Executive Actions on Immigration
Washington, D.C. | www.adc.org | February 19, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) welcomes the appeal of a district court’s decision to the 5th Circuit by the Department of Justice on issues impacting the immigrant community. On February 16, 2015, the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an Order of Temporary Injunction to halt the implementation of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and Expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
ADC strongly supports President Obama’s Immigration Accountability Executive Actions as legal and necessary to provide essential immigration reform. When President Obama announced the executive actions in November 2014, ADC applauded the executive actions as “a historic step aimed at fixing the country’s immigration system.” The Immigration Accountability Executive Actions provide important options for Arab immigrants nationwide, including the ability to obtain work authorization, and ensure that our community members can apply for these protections and not live in fear of deportation. These executive actions are particularly crucial in light of Congress’ failure to pass substantive immigration reform.
Since President Obama issued the executive actions in November 2014, not only has Congress failed to act to pass substantive immigration reform, but Texas and 25 states have sued the administration in an attempt to block these essential executive actions on immigration. While the federal court order temporarily blocked some of the key immigration reforms, the order does not affect the existing DACA and individuals eligible under the existing DACA requirements.
Click here to view the ADC Fact Sheet on the Executive Action on Immigration After the Texas District Court Decision.

Individuals can still request an initial grant of DACA or request a renewal of DACA pursuant to the guidelines established in 2012. The federal district court’s order also does not affect the implementation of immigration enforcement priorities as set by President Obama’s execution actions. The priorities established in the Department of Homeland Security memorandum entitled “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants” remain in full force and effect.
ADC advises that individuals who may be eligible under DAPA and Expanded DACA continue to collect the necessary documents and paperwork. If you, or a family member, have questions about the executive actions on immigration, please call the ADC Legal Department at 202-244-2990 for more information. You can also send an email to [email protected].

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