Emergency Protest Against the Bombing of Gaza!

When: Tomorrow, Friday, July 11th at 3:00pm EST
Where: Israeli Embassy (3514 International Dr. NW, Washington, DC)
RSVP on Facebook!
Join the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Code Pink, the Washington Peace Center, and many more supporters as we rally in front of the Israeli Embassy to call for an end to the recent bombing campaign of Gaza. We also demand an end to Israel’s raids, killings, beatings, and arrests of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine.
Since June 12th, Israel has waged in a brutal campaign of collective punishment against the Palestinian people, bombing Gaza and raiding West Bank towns and villages, arresting hundreds of civilians, including children.
This past week, we have witnessed the deaths and beatings of dozens of Palestinians at the hands of both Israeli forces and Israeli settlers. This includes the horrific death of 15 year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, who was kidnapped, tortured, burned alive, and tossed in a field in an unbelievable act of savagery by Israeli settlers.
It’s time to stop the killing now!
Click here to join the event on Facebook and invite your friends.
Call the White House (202) 456-1111 and Secretary of State John Kerry (202) 647-4000 and demand condemnation of the Israeli assault on Gaza. Call the Israeli Embassy in DC too: (202) 364-5500.
Click here to send a letter to Congress and President Obama!
Media contact: [email protected]

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