ADC Michigan Wishes its members a Happy Easter
April 20, 2014

Your Empowerment, Your Voice, Your Community, Your ADC!
MICHIGAN ― April 20, 2014 ―On behalf of ADC Michigan, I would like to personally wish a happy, healthy, and festive Easter to the members of our Arab-American community celebrating Easter.
Fatina Abdrabboh
For more information on ADC-Michigan, visit https://www.adc.org.
About ADC-Michigan: ADC is the largest Arab-American grassroots organization in the U.S. It is committed to supporting the civil rights of all people, and opposes racism and bigotry in any form. The ADC-Michigan office represents the largest concentration of Arabs in the United States.
Your Empowerment, Your Voice, Your Community, Your ADC!
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ADC Michigan | 930 Mason Street | Dearborn, MI 48124 | (313) 581-1201 | [email protected]
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