DNC Must Listen to Pro-Palestinian Voices

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | August 22, 2024 – The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has decided not to allow a Palestinian voice to speak and be heard at the party’s convention this week. This is outrageous and ADC is calling on its members to demand that the DNC stop ignoring pro-Palestinian voices. Held in Chicago, whose metro area has the highest concentration of Palestinian Americans in the country, the DNC has given an Israeli family, a border patrol officer, celebrities, internet influencers, and even Republicans the chance to give speeches on the main stage this week, but Palestinian Americans have not been given the same respect and have been excluded.

Demand the DNC Listen to Pro-Palestinian Voices

The DNC is refusing to listen to their voters, especially the 700,000 who voted uncommitted and the overwhelming majority within the party who oppose US complicity and participation in Israel’s genocidal violence against Palestinians.

The decision to not allow a Palestinian American to speak is another example of the DNC failing its base. Let the DNC know that they are in the wrong, and must do more to bring an end to the genocide. Demand #NotAnotherBomb and that they #LetPalestineSpeak.

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