45 Independence Ave SW, Washington, D.C. 20515
Approximately 6 million Syrians are internally displaced, and 5 million are displaced abroad. Turkey, the largest host, has absorbed 3.6 million refugees, Jordan has absorbed over a million, and the US has accepted less than 20,000. Depending on where they land, their identities are extremely politicized for their new host’s gain.
Additionally, with the recent US Military withdrawal from Northern Syria, the number of refugees is expected to increase as Turkey encroaches on the region. Recently, President Erdogan vowed to populate the region it was invading with these refugees, though it is illegal to force refugees to return to their country of origin if it is dangerous to return. With the Assad regime still in power, they are at grave risk of danger.
Special thanks to Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) for hosting the hearing and supporting refugees worldwide!