US Must Force Cease Fire Ahead of Israel’s Forced Transfer of Palestinian People

Washington, D.C. | | October 14, 2023 — The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) mourns the loss of all innocent civilian lives. It has been a week that has challenged the emotional strength of people on all sides and across the board, and forced conversations on resistance in its various forms.  However, as we try to reconcile ways to move forward and address these extremely challenging times, our community has been completely abandoned by the Biden administration, who have failed to even acknowledge the thousands of innocent Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing. As of the time we are writing this, almost 2000 Palestinians have been killed – 726 of whom are children – with many still under the rubble and as Israel continues dropping bombs.

ADC demands that the U.S. call for an immediate ceasefire to prevent the further loss of innocent lives. What we are witnessing in the Gaza Strip are crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. The Administration must avoid using rhetoric that exacerbates violence, while unequivocally condemning all violations of international law.

There is a sense of urgency for a cease-fire given Israel’s most recent inhumane directive to forcibly transfer over a million Palestinian civilians from their homes in the northern half of Gaza. This directive is not only morally indefensible but also violates international law. The United Nations has stated that such a large-scale forced transfer would be impossible without causing devastating humanitarian consequences. There are already reports that Israel has bombed those who began fleeing as they attempted to comply with the inhumane Israeli order. Israel has committed grave breaches and other serious violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The United States has not only failed to ensure respect for the Fourth Geneva Convention in line with Common Article 1 but is aiding and assisting in these grave breaches and other serious violations of IHL.

As we have seen from multiple indiscriminate bombardments on Gaza over the past decade, there is no military solution. The only acceptable solution is one that permanently addresses the root causes and ends the suffering of the Palestinian people, including those in the Gaza Strip. In addition to pursuing a ceasefire, we demand the Biden Administration facilitate the following: full and unimpeded humanitarian aid and assistance; the establishment of safe zones in the Gaza Strip; safe passage of humanitarian aid, including medical supplies; and resumption of full access to water, electricity, and fuel, particularly for medical facilities, in the Gaza Strip.

Israel must comply with all UN Resolutions, end the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, end the blockade on Gaza, and end the system of apartheid.  The will and self-determination of the Palestinian people must be recognized, and so must the right of return. Palestinians must be treated equally in their land, not as second-class citizens.

The unconditional support that the Biden Administration offers Israel plays a significant role in the current bombardment of Palestinians Such blanket support, coupled with comments from the President and senior administration officials stating that Israel’s actions are beyond reproach, encourages the wanton disregard of Palestinian lives.

ADC, along with the broader Arab American community, will remember who stands for Palestinian lives, and international law, and uphold our values. We will also remember those who abandoned these principles.

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