Announcing: Racial, Religious and Ethnic Self-Identification: Beyond Categories

Racial, Religious and Ethnic Self-Identification: Beyond Categories

Washington, DC | | May 8th, 2014 – As part of an ongoing effort discussing identity in the Middle East and North African communities, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will be hosting a session at this year’s Annual National Convention titled, “Racial, Religious and Ethnic Self-Identification: Beyond Categories.

As part of the conversation, ADC launched the #MyIdentity Campaign, asking community members to submit videos discussing their identity. The panel will provide a forum for a conversation about identity. A select number of videos submitted through the campaign will be shown at the Convention and discussed by the panelist. Register for the Convention now!

ADC is proud to announce that three distinct experts will be presenting at the panel. The participants are:

Hisham Aidi, Ph.D. is an author and lecturer in International and Public Affairs at the Columbia School of International Public Affairs.  His research interests include the politics of globalization, North-South relations, and social movements. He is currently researching immigration and youth movements in Europe. Aidi recently authored a new book titled, Rebel Music: Race, Empire, and the New Muslim Youth Culture. Follow Hisham on Twitter @UptownBerber

Khaled A. Beydoun is the Critical Race Studies Fellow and Faculty of Law at the UCLA School of Law.   Professor Beydoun teaches in the area of civil rights, criminal law, and critical race theory.  His research examines the racial formation of Arab and Muslim American identity within the criminal and immigration contexts. Follow Khaled on Twitter @KhaledBeydoun

Sally Howell, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of History in the Center for Arab American Studies and the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.  She is the author of Old Islam in Detroit: Rediscovering the Muslim American Past. Her essays on Arab and Muslim American culture, politics, and history have appeared in numerous edited volumes and in Anthropological Quarterly, Diaspora, Food and Foodways, the International Journal of Middle East Studies and other renowned publication.

The panel is scheduled to be held on the morning of Saturday June 14, 2014 as part of the ADC National Convention. Each of the speakers provides a unique perspective on the issue of identity within the respective communities. The panelists will discuss how respective communities self-identify, and what factors led in forming this view. 

This year’s Annual Convention will be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, VA. Early Bird Convention Registration Packages are currently priced at $199 and include access to all the panel session, and meal events. For more information please click here

Use Social Media to speak about #MyIdentity:

 Upload a video to Youtube, put “My Identity” in the title so we can find the video!

Film a video and post it to Instagram, use #MyIdentity

Film a Vine and use #MyIdentity in the description  

Tweet out a link of your videos to @adctweets and use #MyIdentity

ADC National Convention: It Takes a Community

Click here to register now for the ADC Convention! Early Bird Registration for Members is only $199, and you get access to all these great events!

  • Members Briefing at the U.S. Department of State

  • Advocacy Day: Meetings with Congressional Staff

  • Debriefing on Capitol Hill

  • Congressional Dinner – Capitol Hill

  • Evening Reception

  • The BDS Movement:  A Palestinian Struggle to Achieve a Lasting Peace based on International Law, Justice, and Freedom

  • Annual Civil Rights Luncheon:  Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

  • Civil Rights Panel: 50 Years After the Civil Rights Act: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Lawyers Report back from Guantanamo Bay

  • Activism on College Campuses: Best Practices for Campus Activism

  • Network of Arab American Lawyers of ADC (NAALA) Reception

  • Friday Night Gala:  Celebrating a Community, Celebrating Diversity

  • Racial, Religious and Ethnic Self-Identification: Beyond Categories

  • Immigration Reform: Update and Insight

  • Arabs Outside the Arab Center – A look at emerging communities from outside the Levant

  • Women’s Empowerment Luncheon

  • Social Activism in the 21st Century: Facilitating Change through the media and Web Roots

  • Activism in the Arts:  How to Create Change through Artistic Expression

  • The Criminalization of Being Arab  

  • Saturday Night Awards Gala

  • Haffla Dance Party

  • General Assembly Meeting

  • Palestine Panel:  Ending the Occupation or Beginning Annexation?

  • Palestine Luncheon

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