ADC Civil Rights Panel:
50 Years After the Civil Rights Act: Challenges and Opportunities
Washington, D.C. | | May 22, 2014 – This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. During this year’s National Convention, ADC will host a panel examining the occasion titled, “50 Years After the Civil Rights Act: Challenges and Opportunities.” The session will be preceded by the ADC Annual Civil Rights Luncheon, also commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Act.
This year the Convention will be held June 12-15 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. For more info, or to take advantage of Early Bird Registration click here.
Presenting at the panel will be three respected civil rights leaders, each offering a unique perspective. These experts will discuss progress made since the passing of the monumental Act as well as challenges that minorities still face in the struggle for equality within the United State:
Ms. Azizah al-Hibri, Esq. – Chair & Founder, Karamah. KARAMAH seeks to create a global network of advocates for the rights of Muslim women, who are knowledgeable about the gender-equitable principles of Islam, possess the capacity to share this information with others, and are able to advance the cause of Muslim women’s rights in legal and social environments.
Ms. Jotaka Eaddy – Senior Advisor to the NAACP President and CEO. The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. From the ballot box to the classroom, the thousands of dedicated workers, organizers, leaders and members who make up the NAACP continue to fight for social justice for all Americans.
Ms. Priscilla Ouchida - Executive Director, Japanese American Citizens League. JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization in the United States. The JACL monitors and responds to issues that enhance or threaten the civil and human rights of all Americans and implements strategies to effect positive social change, particularly to the Asian Pacific American community.
The panel will be moderated by ADC Legal & Policy Director, Abed Ayoub.
ADC is also proud to announce that the Keynote Speaker at the Annual Civil Rights Luncheon will be Mr. Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). ADC will also honor the SPLC at the Luncheon with the “Excellence in Advocacy Award.”
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It also conferred jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, authorized the Attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, and prevented discrimination in federally assisted programs, among other things.
Early Registration Still Open for 2014 National Convention!
Early Bird Registration rates for the Annual Convention are still available! Register by May 30th and get a $100 discount ($99 for students, $199 for ADC Members, and $299 for Non-Members). Registration includes access to all meal events, as well as all panels. A full program can be found here.
Also, thanks to a generous donor, student scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students who wish to attend the conference. You can learn more here.
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