ADC Media Relations Specialist Amani Al-Khatahtbeh Responds to Wall Street Journal on “Palestinian Mothers” Column
Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July 13, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee’s Media Relations Specialist Amani Al-Khatahtbeh responds to Bret Stephens’ racist column “Where are the Palestinian Women?” in the Wall Street Journal last week. Stephens makes the assertion that all Palestinian mothers want to raise their sons to be martyrs. In a condescending comparison to Israeli society, he goes on to say that he has “yet to meet the Israeli mother who wants to raise her boys to become kidnappers and murderers.”
Al-Khatahtbeh responds, “Actually, every Israeli mother is legally obligated by the Israeli government to enter her sons and daughters into an institution that systematically kidnaps and murders. It’s [called] the Israeli Defense Force.”
Read her full response to Stephens in her column, “An Open Letter to Wall Street Journal from a Palestinian Woman,” on MuslimGirl.net. Help us tackle the racism of Stephens and the Wall Street Journal by spreading the word and sharing it with your friends.

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