Advancing Justice Bulletin January 2015

Advancing Justice Bulletin

Dearborn, MI | | January 27, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Michigan Office (ADC-Michigan)

ADC-Michigan Director Emphasizes Civil Rights on Fox News Show

ADC-Michigan Director Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh appeared on Fox 2 News’ “Let it Rip” on January 23, 2014 to discuss the treatment of Arab Americans in the city of Dearborn Heights. Abdrabboh emphasized that the most recent lawsuit is one in a number of growing complaints of mistreatment of Arab Americans in Dearborn Heights.

To view the news clip, visit:

For media inquiries or further information, please contact ADC-Michigan at 313-581-1201 or [email protected]

ADC-Michigan condemns incident of racial vilification in Northville, Michigan

The ADC-Michigan is investigating an incident involving an Arab-American woman who parked her car at a supermarket in Northville, only to later find the following words scrawled on a note left on her windshield:  “You and all your kind should die”.  Affixed to the note were other forms of hate literature containing anti-Islamic vulgarities and threats against Muslims. ADC-Michigan Director Fatina Abdrabboh commented “We will continue to use the law to protect our community against all forms of bigotry and we will continue to work towards empowering victims of hate to prevent them from feeling marginalized and isolated”.  The ADC is in communication with the store and law enforcement. The ADC-Michigan remains very concerned about this incident and urges anyone with any specific complaints to contact our office immediately. 

ADC-Michigan investigates troubling allegations of bias and mistreatment at Best Buy Stores

Within the past few months, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)-Michigan Regional Office has received multiple complaints of bias, harassment, and discrimination from Arab American customers of Best Buy stores. The ADC-Michigan is concerned about the pattern of complaints about Best Buy. Discriminatory treatment and the denial of fair and equal access on the basis of a customer’s race, ethnic background, or religious identity is a violation of federal and state laws. If you have been the victim of discrimination, bias, or harassment at any Best Buy store, please contact the ADC Michigan immediately at 313-581-1201 or [email protected]


ADC-Michigan investigating complaints at US-Canada Border

Several recent complaints received by the ADC-Michigan reveal a disturbing increase in allegations of racial profiling and civil rights violations against Arab-American and Muslim-American citizens.  ADC-Michigan Director Fatina Abdrabboh called for “border policies and practices that do not have the effect of frightening law-abiding citizens and undermining their right to travel freely.”  She also emphasized the need for “thoughtful, actionable measures to improve the process at the border so that no American ever feels intimidated”. The ADC-Michigan is working with relevant authorities to address this mistreatment. If you or anyone you know has experienced any discrimination while crossing the US-Canada border, please contact the ADC Michigan immediately at 313-581-1201 or [email protected]

Mark your calendar: March is Criminal Justice Month!

ADC-Michigan Director Fatina Abdrabboh will participate in a Diversity & Justice symposium at the University of Michigan on March 3, 2015.  The Arab American panel will be moderated by Dr. Sally Howell and will also include U.S. Attorney Barbara Mcquade, Honorable Judge Turfe, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad, and Chancellor David Little. The event is open to the public. For more information, visit:

The ADC-Michigan continues to fight hate via its Cyber Civil Rights Monitor

Since the release of the film “American Sniper”, the ADC has noted a significant increase in the number of cases of online harassment in the form of bullying, intimidation, and threats of violence against Muslim  and Arab-Americans.   Many of these threats have been made over social media as noted below.

ADC takes all threats seriously and has reported such threats to law enforcement. ADC reminds its members and greater community to be safe and exercise precaution.

ADC Michigan Featured in Detroit Legal News

ADC-Michigan Director Fatina Abdrabboh was featured in a recent edition of the Detroit Legal News, alongside Attorney Mark Fancher of the ACLU, Wayne State Law School Dean Jocelyn Benson, U.S. Attorney Barbara Mcquade, and others. The article highlighted their participation in a recent panel discussion on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the ways in which discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, and gender remains. To read the article, visit:

The ADC Michigan has received an increase in complaints of discrimination against Arab Americans since the January 7 attacks in France. If you have been a victim of discrimination in any of the areas above, please contact ADC Michigan.

ADC-Michigan: Your Empowerment, Your Voice, Your Community, Your ADC!

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ADC Michigan | 930 Mason Street | Dearborn, MI 48124 | (313) 581-1201 | [email protected]

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