Washington, DC | September 18, 2007 | www.adc.org | The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is delighted to welcome Erika Borkowski, Esq., as a new Legal Advisor. Borkowski is proficient in Arabic and Spanish. She has extensive travel and work experience in the Arab World and joins ADC from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Borkowski is a former summer associate with the ADC Legal Department and a graduate of Cornell University and the School of Law at the University of Pittsburgh. She is admitted to the New York State Bar and is author of a “Guide to International Applicants for US Student Visas.”
To report an incident of discrimination, contact ADC’s Legal Department. You may report an incident online at: https://www.adc.org/index.php?id=288
The ADC Legal Department can also be reached at:
Telephone: 202-244-2990 | Fax: 202-244-7968 | Email: [email protected]
NOTE TO EDITORS: The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), which is non sectarian and non partisan, is the largest Arab-American civil rights organization in the United States. It was founded in 1980, by former Senator James Abourezk to combat racial stereotyping and to protect the civil rights of people of Arab descent in the United States. ADC has 38 chapters nationwide, including chapters in every major city in the country, and members in all 50 states.