Special Guest: Nine Year Old Bombing Survivor
Washington, DC | April 12, 2007 | The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is pleased to announce the presentation of the ADC Compassion in Service Award to the Palestine Children‘s Relief Fund (PCRF) during the Saturday June 9th Gala Banquet Dinner at the 2007 Annual National Convention, “Toward a More Perfect Union” in Washington, DC.
The PCRF is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to address the humanitarian crisis facing Arab children living under military occupation. In addition to treating sick and injured Arab children for free, PCRF built the first and only pediatric cardiac ICU at Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem. Over 300 babies have had life-saving open-heart surgery through volunteer missions in the last few years. PCRF also provides other forms of humanitarian services for children in the Middle East: wheelchairs for disabled children, powdered milk for malnourished babies, eyeglasses for poor schoolchildren, sponsors for disabled kids who cannot afford their medicine, and summer camps for handicapped youth.
Accepting the Award on behalf of the PCRF is the organization‘s president Steve Sosebee, and nine-year old Adham Ghalia, a child who has been treated through the work of the organization. Adham is one of the many injured children who are in the United States for treatment through PCRF‘s work. On June 9, 2006, during the week of last year‘s ADC annual national convention, seven of Adham‘s family members were massacred on a beach in Gaza by Israeli shelling while they were on a picnic. The attack resulted in serious injury for Adham including the loss of his left leg.
Through the work of PCRF Adham traveled to the United States and had surgery at Monmouth Hospital in New Jersey; he has been staying with an Arab-American host family and supported by the local community. ADC is proud to recognize both Adham and PCRF, on June 9, 2007, one year to the day of the horrific attack in Gaza.
As a result of PCRF’s work, over 700 children from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq have been sent abroad for free care that was not available to them in their homeland. In addition, thousands more children have had highly specialized medical care by visiting foreign volunteer teams sent by PCRF to Palestine and Lebanon over the past 10 years.
To find out more about PCRF please visit www.pcrf.net.
ADC’s 2007 Annual National Convention is fast approaching!
Register early online for the Convention, total early discounted price, includes access to all events with five meals included, is $295. You must register online before May 1, 2007 to secure the discounted price of $295. The student rate is $195, you must have a valid student id and be registered full time to qualify for the student rate. Register at: www.adc.org
The room rate is $159/night for single or double occupancy. Those planning to attend are requested to reserve hotel rooms early by using the following link and using the ADC group code 12400607815: www.omnihotels.com/FindAHotel/WashingtonDCShoreham.aspx
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UPDATED CONVENTION PROGRAM SCHEDULE, detailed schedule with an updated complete list of newly confirmed speakers available at: https://www.adc.org/PDF/convsched.pdf