ADC Statement on Israeli Terrorism and Dangerous Escalation in Lebanon

Washington, D.C. | | September 17, 2024 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) strongly condemns the indiscriminate act of terrorism perpetrated by Israel, which has killed at least nine people, including a 10-year-old girl, and wounded over 2,750 across Lebanon. This heinous attack, involving the simultaneous explosion of communication devices in Beirut’s southern suburbs, the Bekaa Valley, and south Lebanon, marks a dangerous escalation in the ongoing conflict. 

This act of terror comes amid recent public statements by Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, expressing their intent to wage a full-scale war against Lebanon, as their nearly year-long genocide and violent occupation against the Palestinian people in Gaza and West Bank continues unabated. 

Israel’s reckless pursuit of war is enabled by the Biden Administration’s permissiveness, indulgence, and unconditional support. Israeli leaders know they can ignore American advice without fear of consequences, secure in the knowledge that arms and financial support will continue flowing from U.S. taxpayers.

Moreover, Israel’s goal is to enlist the U.S. in a war against its adversaries – a disastrous outcome that would endanger American lives, security, stability, and interests. The time for accountability is long overdue.

The ADC calls for an immediate arms embargo on Israel, a forceful demand for a ceasefire, complete withdrawal of troops, and an end to the occupation. 

About the ADC

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is the largest Arab American grassroots organization in the U.S., founded in 1980 by former Senator James Abourezk.  ADC’s mission is to defend and promote the human rights, civil rights, and liberties of at least 3.7 million Arab Americans residing in the United States. Through its work, the ADC fights discrimination in the U.S., enhances public understanding of Arab history and culture, and partners with marginalized communities globally to advance social justice.


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