Washington, DC | www.adc.org | December 6, 2017 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) vehemently opposes President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Today, President Trump stated that he wished to break from established U.S. foreign policy to serve the “best interests” of the U.S. and the Middle East peace process. President Trump’s announcement serves no one’s interest; instead, it will have an immediate and catastrophic impact internationally by undermining the Middle East peace process and inflaming anti-U.S. sentiment across the globe.
Israel’s annexation and claim over Jerusalem is completely illegal under international law, as recognized by the entire world. The fate of Jerusalem has always been understood to be resolved by a completed peace deal between Israel and Palestine. Up until today, this was the U.S.’s official stance on Jerusalem. Today, President Trump has completely reversed U.S. policy and greatly weakened the prospect any long-term chance at a substantive peace deal in the Middle East.
By endorsing Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem, President Trump is acting against international law, hurting U.S. interests at home and abroad, and destroying U.S. credibility on an international stage. President Trump, today, stated that he wishes to achieve peace in Israel-Palestine, yet his announcement has done nothing but fuel opposition and discontent in one of the parties to the conflict as well as in Arab and Muslim communities across the globe. The Trump Administration’s actions will not promote peace; conversely, the decision destroys the prospect of peace, promotes violence, and dismantles the U.S. credibility as a diplomatic force around the world.