Washington, D.C. | www.adc.org | ADC reaffirms our steadfast opposition to the government program known as Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). Since the inception of the program ADC has never wavered on our opposition to the program in its entirety. As the Trump administration works to make troubling changes to the program, ADC is preparing for a legal fight. We will not stand by as our government continues to criminalize the Arab and Muslim American communities. Unfortunately, CVE is made possible because of the assistance from Arab and Muslim community organizations. It is time for these organizations to stand on principle and disconnect themselves form CVE related programs.
In January a number of community organizations were awarded grants to conduct CVE and surveillance programs across the country. This past summerADC came out unequivocally against the grant program, and urged community organizations against applying. Notwithstanding our warnings and concerns a number of organizations did apply for the funding. Despite coming at the 11th hour, some organizations are heeding to public pressure and rejecting the grant money. Some have yet to reject the money, clearly putting financial interests over the interest of the community.
Those who have rejected the money must work to regain the trust of the community. Organizations must be transparent with the community and provide a detailed explanation as to their involvement in CVE programs. Additionally, they should release a copy of the grant application submitted to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These organizations must immediately suspend any and all activity pertaining to government led CVE programs.
Finally, there have been reports that the Trump administration will change the name of the program to Countering Islamic Violence (CIV). This signals an outward and public acknowledgment that the program targets Arab and Muslim Americans. The focus on the community goes beyond a name change. Continued implementation of the program will contribute to the ongoing chilling effect on the Arab and Muslim communities. ADC has begun reviewing all legal options aimed at challenging continued implementation of the CVE/CIV program.
Attorneys who are interested in assisting in the pending legal action can fill out this form to learn about next steps and how you can be involved.
You can read more about ADC‘s work on CVE by clicking here.