ADC Proudly Sponsors 19th Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | October 28, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to be a sponsor of the 19th Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival. The festival will be presented by the Washington, DC International Film Festival on November 1 through November 9th in Washington, DC.
The 19th Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival features the best in contemporary cinema from Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia. For two weekends, Arabian Sights will showcase some of the most captivating and talked about films of the year. You don’t want to miss it!
Film screenings will take place at the Goethe-Institut, AMC Mazza Gallerie, and the Embassy of France. Click here for more information on films, events, and tickets.

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