Washington, DC | www.adc.org | August 14, 2013 – President Warren David of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) met with Secretary of State John Kerry last Friday the 11th of August. The meeting was attended by a delegation of Arab American leaders, Chief U.S. Negotiator Martin Indyk, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and Secretary of State John Kerry. At the meeting, Secretary Kerry laid out his four-point peace plan for the Israeli and Palestinian delegations comprised of negotiations, economic policy, security, and public outreach.
David informed Secretary Kerry that Arab Americans are disappointed with past attempts to solve the sixty-six year occupation. David shared many concerns including the failure to establish a sovereign Palestinian state, the failure to dismantle settlements, the denied right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the failure to comply with UN resolutions.
On Monday, August 12th, ADC sent a follow up letter to Secretary Kerry outlining ADC’s concerns at last Sunday’s reports of the Israeli government approving 1,200 more illegal settlement homes in the occupied Palestinian Territories. ADC additionally highlighted it’s concerns about U.S. domestic law violations in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
ADC remains hopeful for fruitful and productive negotiations between Israel and Palestine. ADC will keep you posted on the progress of the negotiations.