ADC President Samer Khalaf to Speak at Roanoke Rally to Restore Voting Rights and Our Democracy!

Washington, DC | | June 17, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on the Arab-American community to join ADC President Samer Khalaf and civil rights advocates for a rally to restore the Voting Rights Act on Thursday June, 25th in Roanoke, Virginia.
ADC is committed to restoring and protecting the fundamental right to vote for all Americans, and particularly for Arab Americans and vulnerable communities. On the 2nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision to gut the Voting Rights Act (VRA), ADC President Samer Khalaf will gather with civil rights leaders and hundreds of concerned Americans to defend the right to vote and ensure that all Americans can participate in our democracy.
It is time for Congress to restore the important voter protections that were crippled by the Supreme Court’s June 25 decision in Shelby County v. Holder two years ago. Free from federal oversight since the Shelby decision, lawmakers across the country have adopted discriminatory policies and voting restrictions that make it harder for Americans to exercise their constitutional right to the ballot.
For example, ADC-Michigan combated voter suppression attempts against Arab-Americans last summer, when hundreds of people had their absentee ballot requests unfairly denied in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. ADC-Michigan was joined by the NAACP and other civil rights organizations in its request for federal monitoring of elections in Dearborn Heights to prevent further attempts to suppress the votes of Arab-Americans.
This is just one example of the many incidents of voting discrimination that have occurred since the Shelby decision eviscerated the Voting Rights Act in 2013. Despite overwhelming evidence of modern-day voting discrimination running rampant throughout our country, Congress has failed to restore the VRA.
“If the right to vote is threatened, the integrity of our entire democracy is also threatened. It is unacceptable that on the 50th anniversary year of the Voting Rights Act, Americans have weaker voting protections than at any time since the VRA was passed in 1965. Congress must take action now to restore the VRA and the integrity of our democracy.” – ADC President Samer Khalaf.
Read the flyer below and visit to learn more about the June 25th “Rally for Voting Rights and Our Democracy” in Roanoke, VA!

Sign up here by close of business on Thursday, June 18 to reserve your spot on the buses from D.C. to Roanoke!

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