American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
اللجنة الأمريكية العربية لمكافحة التمييز
Monday March 31, 2014
The Weeks Ahead
Wednesday, April 2 at 6:00-7:30 PM in Washington, DC. The George Washington University Elliot School for International Affairs presents, “The Second Arab Awakening & the Battle for Pluralism.” Marwan Muasher, Vice President for Studies at Carnegie, will discuss his new book which focuses on political change in the Arab world. Click here for details.
March 20-April 6th in Washington, DC at Theater J. Arab American actress Leila Buck stars in “The Admission,” a play set during the first Intifada and featuring a groundbreaking team of Israeli, Arab, Jewish-American and Arab-American artists. Click here for tickets.
Monday, April 7 at 7:15-9:00pm at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. GMU Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) present “The Battle For Justice in Palestine” with Ali Abunimah. Click here for details.
Tuesday, April 8 at 11:30am-1:00pm. “Beyond the Arab Spring: U.S. Engagement in a Changing Middle East.” The panelists will consider how a range of domestic and regional changes in the Middle East have generated new challenges for U.S. diplomacy. Click here for details.
April 30th at 5:30 at Byblos Banquet Hall in Dearborn, Michigan. 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Dinner with Professor Adrien Wing as the Keynote Speaker. RSVP by emailing [email protected].
Last Week’s Wrap-Up
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