ADC on Fairfax Public Access Radio

December 9, 2005
Washington, DC — American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Director of Legal Advocacy Carol Khawly will be on the Fairfax Public Access radio, channel 30, on Saturday, December 10. Khawly will be interviewed by phone during the “Saturday Morning” show, which airs from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You may also listen to the show on the cable radio Velayat.
Khawly will be discussing ADC‘s upcoming panel on employment discrimination on the basis of citizenship, national origin, and religion. Set to take place on December 13, panelists will provide important information about “Knowing Your Rights on the Job.” For more information about the panel discussion visit
“Saturday Morning” is a public service and live radio show that covers news, current affairs and issues related to Iranian-American community.

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