ADC Mourns the Passing of Dr. Mujid S. Kazimi

Washington, DC | | July 8, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is deeply saddened by the passing of one of its long-time members, Dr. Mujid S. Kazimi. Dr. Kazimi was an Arab American professor of Nuclear Engineering and one of the world’s most prominent educators and researchers in the field of nuclear technology.
The entire ADC family is united in mourning the sudden death of Dr. Kazimi. He was a member of ADC and a firm supporter since its inception in 1980. We would like to express our deepest condolences to the Kazimi family—his wife Nazik Denny and their three children Yasmeen, Marwan and Omar.
On Wednesday July 1, 2015, Dr. Kazimi passed away during his visit to Harbin Engineering University in China. Dr. Kazimi was there participating in an international advisory committee. A motivated and a well-accomplished man, Dr. Kazimi directed both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems and the Kuwaiti MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment. Additionally, he held various faculty appointments at MIT’s Departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE), and Department of Mechanical Engineering.
His career at MIT, which spanned more than three decades, had a profound impact on the local and international sphere. The NSE website describes Dr. Kazimi as “a wonderful human being wise, kind, tough when he needed to be, but always gracious and respectful toward his students and his colleagues — he was a true gentleman, and he was a good man. His dedication and loyalty to his students, and to the department, were inspirational.” Richard Lester, the current head of the NSE department, describes Dr. Kazimi as “one of the world’s great nuclear engineers”. Dr. Kazimi authored over 200 scientific papers, and also co-authored a two-volume textbook, Nuclear Systems.
Dr. Kazimi was born in Jerusalem in 1947 and earned his bachelor’s degree from Alexandria University in Egypt in 1969. In 1971, he moved to the United States to study at MIT, earning a master’s degree and doctorate. After working for the Westinghouse Electric Corp. and Brookhaven National Laboratory for a few years, Dr. Kazimi joined the MIT faculty in 1976, where he became a renowned nuclear researcher and educator.

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