ADC Mourns Passing of Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud

Ambassador Clovis Maksoud

Washington, DC | | May 15th, 2016 – It is with a profound sense of loss and sadness that the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) mourns the passing of H.E. Ambassador Clovis Maksoud, who passed away early this morning.

Dr. Clovis Maksoud and his wife the late Dr. Hala Salaam Maksoud were instrumental in the founding, growth, and success of ADC over the past three and a half decades. They helped Sen. James Abourezk (D-S.D.) start ADC in 1980, and Dr. Hala Salaam Maksoud served as ADC President from 1996 to 2001.

ADC Chairman Dr. Safa Rifka expressed, “This is an overwhelming loss to the ADC family, and community as a whole. Dr. Clovis Maksoud was a true leader, who throughout his personal and professional career exhibited the utmost dignity, and a constant commitment to justice and equality. He inspired all those around him, myself included.”

ADC President Samer Khalaf stated, “Dr. Clovis Maksoud has been a pillar of the ADC community since its inception in 1980.  We will continue to honor his memory and all that he stood for through our dedication to his ideals. We send our heart felt condolences to his family. May God have mercy on his soul.”

Dr. Maksoud served as the League of Arab States’ Ambassador to India and South-East Asia from 1961-1966. From 1967-1979, he served as the Senior Editor of Al-Ahram and then Chief Editor of Al-Nahar Weekly.  Dr. Maksoud was appointed as the Arab League’s Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations in 1979, and served in that capacity until 1990 when he resigned in protest of the First Gulf War. He remained a permanent observer of the Arab League at the UN until his passing.

Following his diplomatic career, Dr. Maksoud served as Professor of International Relations and Director of the Center for the Global South at American University in Washington, DC.  Dr. Maksoud authored several books and articles on the Middle East and the Global South during his career in academia.  He was also the Chairperson and Convener of many conferences on the environment and development, human rights, population, and disarmament.

Dr. Maksoud graduated from The American University of Beirut, went on to receive his J.D. from the George Washington University in Washington, DC, and did post-graduate studies at Oxford University in Britain.

Click here to view the funeral arrangements. 


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