Standing Room only at ADC-Michigan’s 15th annual MLK Scholarship Banquet!
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee’s (ADC) Michigan Regional Office is proud to have hosted its largest and most well attended Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Awards Banquet to date. Under the leadership of new Director Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, over 650 attendees packed the banquet hall to support ADC Michigan and to honor the life and legacy of MLK.
Ms. Abdrabboh stated, “Part and parcel of our focused goal is to let the community know we are here to represent them and defend their rights.” ADC National President, Samer Khalaf, spoke to the standing-room only crowd and reiterated ADC’s commitment to defending the rights of all Americans.
ADC Michigan presented awards to Congressman John Dingell, Detroit Free Press Editor Mr. Stephen Henderson, Department of Civil Rights leader Ms. Leila Saba Hanna, and Ms. Fattum Mutahr from General Motors. The Executive Director of ACLU Michigan, Ms. Kary Moss, delivered remarks. The Keynote Address was delivered by Professor Adrien K. Wing from the University of Iowa College of Law. Ms. Priya Mann from Channel 4 WDIV-TV served as the Mistress of Ceremonies.
The standing room only crowd included civic and community leaders from across the state of Michigan. Elected officials, including judges, mayors and municipal leaders were part of the diverse audience. Also in attendance were members from the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, law enforcement officials from a local, state and federal level, along with representatives from coalition partners, including many new partners collaborating with ADC Michigan.
For more pictures of the event, please visit the following link:
This is the 15th Annual MLK Scholarship Dinner. Each year ADC Michigan awards scholarships to students as part of an essay contest. Students are asked to define what MLK and his message mean to them. This year ADC Michigan granted nearly $15,000 in scholarships to Arab American High School Students from across the state. The winners are:
1. Sarah Mokh: Will be attending Harvard University (1st place, $5,000)
2. Sondos Hajjar: Will be attending the University of Michigan (2nd place, $3,000)
3. Khaled Muthanna: Will be attending Wayne State University (3rd place, $2,000)
4. Malak Bazzi (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
5. Zeinat Bazzi (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
6. Hana Bagomaan (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
7. May Chammaa (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
8. Maya Eter, (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
9. Alia Ferdaous (Honorable Mention, $1,000)
The banquet program included the release of ADC Michigan’s Civil Rights App for iPhone and Android devices, and an announcement on the breaking news surrounding the voting rights lawsuit that ADC Michigan filed against Eastern Michigan University.
ADC Michigan thanks all program participants, particularly Keynote Speaker Professor Adrien K. Wing and Mistress of Ceremonies Priya Mann for their presence and enriching contributions to the program. ADC Michigan also would like to thank all of the volunteers and community members who made this event a resounding success.
ADC to Co-Sponsor Empowerment Banquet with American Association of Yemeni Scientists and Professionals
The ADC-Michigan will be co-sponsoring the annual banquet of the American Association of Yemeni Scientists and Professionals (AAYSP) on May 8, 2014 at Byblos Banquet Hall in Dearborn, MI. The AAYSP is a national organization that promotes innovation in advancing the educational success of Yemeni-Americans by fostering research, networking, mentoring, and support, to eliminate barriers to education. Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh commented on ADC’s role in this program: “as ADC-Michigan’s footprint continues to expand in the Midwest, we will continue to embrace opportunities to engage our community and to support such initiatives that nurture and promote empowerment of Arab-Americans”. The aim of AAYSP’s banquet is to improve the leadership capacities of participants and, thereby, help them transition into leaders in their own right. The ADC-Michigan encourages all to attend this conference. For more details, visit the following link:
ADC-Michigan Director attends celebration honoring Chaldean Leader
Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, the Director of the ADC-Michigan, attended a banquet organized by Nidhal Garmo, the founder of One World Medical Mission (OWMM). Ms. Garmo and OWMM have sent medications, medical equipment, and monetary support for Iraqi refugees since 2003. Ms. Garmo has received numerous awards for her humanitarian work and personally invited Attorney Abdrabboh to attend her banquet in Warren, MI. Attorney Abdrabboh described Ms. Garmo as “a selfless woman devoted to humanitarian work and making the world a better place”. Abdrabboh also had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Raad Toma, the Director of the Iraqi Medical Sciences Association (IMSA), an international organization dedicated to raising funds for humanitarian programs that improve healthcare in Iraq. Abdrabboh used the opportunity to reiterate her commitment to supporting individuals like Ms. Garmo and Dr. Toma whose work “parallels the work of ADC-Michigan which is advocating for the rights of others”. Ms. Abdrabboh continued “the Chaldean-American community and the Arab-American community have a great deal in common and share many common goals, thus, it is to our greater advantage to work together to achieve these goals”. In her dealings with all communities of Michigan, Abdrabboh has always stressed the need for collaboration as a means of empowering the margins.
ADC-Michigan Director meets with former Harvard Professor at NAACP Gala in Detroit
Civil Rights leaders, politicians, activists, and citizens from all over the country convened in Cobo Hall in Detroit on Sunday May 4, 2014 to support the annual gala of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, Director of the ADC-Michigan Regional Office, was invited to attend the popular civil rights organization’s Detroit Chapter fundraiser in Detroit. The night was capped by a spirited address by Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree, Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh’s former professor. Ms. Abdrabboh and Professor Ogletree met after the NAACP gala where she had the opportunity to update him on her work since her graduation from Harvard University.

ADC-Michigan: Rebuilding, Engagement, and Volunteerism
As ADC-Michigan rebuilds, it remains committed to strengthening the voice of Arab Americans through advocacy and the 3 E’s: Engagement, Education, and Empowerment.
We always welcome feedback and want to hear from you directly. Please note our new email address: [email protected]. The new ADC-Michigan Director encourages the community to contact her directly at: [email protected].
ADC-Michigan is eager to engage a broad group of volunteers to meet the challenges ahead. This push for volunteerism reflects ADC-Michigan’s new commitment to greater community engagement and empowerment.