ADC Michigan’s Advancing Justice Bulletin, July 8, 2014

 ADC-Michigan’s Advancing Justice Bulletin 

July 8, 2014

Your Empowerment, Your Voice, Your Community, Your ADC! 

ADC-Michigan introduces 1st of-its-kind Cyber Civil Rights Monitor

The official launching of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)-Michigan’s Cyber Civil Rights Monitor was covered by major national television, radio, and news media organizations including NBC News, Yahoo! Finance, Washington Times, Houston Chronicle, Detroit News, San Francisco Chronicle, Toledo News, IT News, Business Journal, Michigan News, WBST TV Channel 3, WWWM TV, as well as dozens of others listed below.   ADC-Michigan Director Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh continues to appear on radio and television promoting the program which she described as an important tool for “combating all forms of hate, online and in our daily lives”. 

The ADC-Michigan launched the Cyber Civil Rights Monitor to combat cyber-bullying, revenge porn, and other cyber assaults by positioning such attacks as infringements on civil rights. 

If you or anyone you know has ever been the victim of cyber-bullying, revenge porn, or any other cyber assault, please contact the ADC-Michigan immediately at [email protected] or 313-581-1201.


ADC-Michigan investigating troubling allegations of discrimination at a local hardware store

The ADC-Michigan was contacted by two Arab-American women who allege they were subjected to disparaging remarks about their ethnicity and faith while engaging in a business interaction at a hardware store. Among other accusations, the store manager claimed that “all you Muslims are to blame” for a recent downtick in his sales.  He also suggested that all Arabs are “uneducated” and followers of a “flawed” religion.   The ADC-Michigan has written to the hardware store requesting a full investigation of the incident, to issue an apology to the two women, and to compensate them for the humiliation they endured. The ADC-Michigan is also requesting that all employees and managers at this particular location be given sensitivity training. The letter was also sent to the city’s Chief of Police.


ADC-Michigan fights for Fair Housing in Grand Rapids, MI 

The ADC-Michigan is meeting with officials in Grand Rapids to investigate allegations in which two condominium owners were harassed, intimidated, and threatened with bodily harm for housing Arab exchange high school students in their homes.  According to the complaint, the condominium owners enrolled in an educational exchange program that allows high school students from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE to live in their home.  After the arrival of the students to Grand Rapids, one member of the condominium association began harassing the condo owners for providing housing to “terrorists” who were “uncivilized”.  The neighbor proceeded to send letters to other owners in the condominium association defaming the two women for housing the Arab students and claimed “those people” (the Arab students) were adversely affecting the value of the condominiums.  The story has many other disturbing facts.

The ADC-Michigan will file a federal complaint against the condominium association alleging fair-housing and civil rights violations.  The ADC-Michigan also plans to file a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to ensure any actions that discriminate against Arab-Americans and other minorities be addressed in the proper manner.  Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, the Director of ADC-Michigan, said “we have received more and more complaints of housing discrimination and we will continue to fight each of these complaints that violate federal or state housing laws”.

If you or anyone you know has ever been discriminated against while trying to rent an apartment or purchase a home, please call the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Michigan Regional Office immediately at [email protected] or 313-581-1201.


ADC-Michigan Director delivers toys to elementary school to promote civil rights in elementary school in Hamtramck 

During the second week of June 2014, Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, the Director of the ADC-Michigan, delivered hundreds of toys donated to ADC to a local elementary school in Hamtramck, MI. This and other recent efforts are part of a campaign by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Michigan Regional Office to introduce civil rights to young Arab-Americans and to empower them about their rights.

Attorney Abdrabboh said “the ADC-Michigan is dedicated to helping Arab-American children develop civic service, community service, and citizenship values through service learning opportunities like this”. If you or your institution would like to include the ADC Michigan in any of your upcoming programs, please contact us at [email protected] or 313-581-1201.

ADC-Michigan Director delivers keynote address at Middle School Graduation

Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, Director of ADC-Michigan, delivered a keynote address at the graduation ceremony of the Bridge Academy Middle School in Hamtramck on June 12, 2014. There were over 300 people in attendance and Attorney Abdrabboh had the opportunity to engage directly with students and their families during the event.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Michigan Regional Office embraces such opportunities to engage the community since they help empower citizens to know their rights and also embolden the youth to become torchbearers of a future where discrimination, racism, and injustice have no place. If you or your institution would like to host the ADC-Michigan at an upcoming event, contact us at 313-581-1201 or [email protected].

ADC-Michigan: Rebuilding, Engagement, and Volunteerism

As ADC-Michigan rebuilds, it remains committed to strengthening the voice of Arab‑Americans through advocacy and the 3 E’s: Engagement, Education, and Empowerment.

We always welcome feedback and want to hear from you directly. Please note our new email address: [email protected]. The new ADC-Michigan Director encourages the community to contact her directly at: [email protected].

ADC-Michigan is eager to engage a broad group of volunteers to meet the challenges ahead. This push for volunteerism reflects ADC-Michigan’s new commitment to greater community engagement and empowerment.

If you or anyone you know is subjected to any form of discrimination, harassment, bigotry, cyber-bullying, or cyber-assault, please contact the ADC-Michigan immediately at 313-581-1201 or [email protected].

ADC-Michigan: Your Empowerment, Your Voice, Your Community, Your ADC!

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ADC Michigan | 930 Mason Street | Dearborn, MI 48124 | (313) 581-1201 | [email protected]

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