ADC launches its 30th Anniversary Preparations, Announces Logo Contest!

Washington, DC | September 1st 2009 | | The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce preparations for its 30th anniversary. In 2010, ADC will celebrate three decades of dedicated service, a milestone in the advancement of civil rights and civil liberties for Arab-Americans. We anticipate a yearlong celebrations and recommitment to our mission. We are proud of our grassroots organization, the oldest and largest Arab-American civil rights organization.
The Community has witnessed and overcome a number of challenges, and ADC has always been there to defend civil and human rights in the US and abroad. We are now looking to you, our members, to participate and be a part of the celebration. ADC asks our members nation-wide to send in pictures, videos, ideas or stories you may have related to ADC. You can send them to [email protected] .
To show the spirit of your importance in this year, ADC is giving you an opportunity to design our 30th Anniversary Logo. The winning logo will be used in all our materials during the 30th Anniversary and the winner will receive public recognition at ADC events. The winner will also be our guest at the ADC Convention and be seated at the head table with our Keynote Speaker and other dignitaries. Contestants are encouraged to create a design representing ADC‘s thirty years (three decades) of hard work, commitment and public service. There are no set rules; however submissions should fit on an 8 x 10 piece of paper. Keep in mind the logo will appear on ADC Letterhead, flyers, announcements, buttons etc. The competition is open to all and a panel of National Board Members, Advisors and ADC Staff will make the final decision on the winner. Traditionally, the 30th year is symbolized by the Pearl. This can be incorporated into your design if you choose but it is not required. You may have either ADC and/or Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee in your design and the number “30”. We especially encourage ADC members, friends and students to participate. Entries should be submitted via E-mail to [email protected] or mailed to ADC Logo Contest at our National Headquarters. Deadline for all submissions is November 1st, 2009.
Direct questions about the logo competition to [email protected] or call 202-244-2990. We look forward to receiving your creative submissions!

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