ADC is proud to welcome former Congressman Nick Rahall to the ADC National Board of Directors

Washington, DC | | July 24, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to welcome the newest member of the ADC National Board of Directors, former U.S. Congressman Nick Rahall. Congressman Rahall has been a supporter of ADC since its inception. He has been on the ADC Advisory Board for 35 years, has spoken at numerous conventions and events, and most recently was the recipient of the ADC’s “Excellence in Public Service Award” at its 35th Annual Convention.
Upon accepting the positon the Congressman Rahall stated, “ADC has been the Champion Human and Civil Rights Organization for the Arab-American Community and those who hail from Arab and Muslim Countries. I am proud to once again be of service as a Member of the National Board of Directors.”
While in Congress, Rahall served as the Dean of the Arab-American Congressional Caucus and has consistently defended the rights of Arabs and Arab-Americans. He has publicly criticized the U.S.’s relationship with Israel saying that, “Israel can’t continue to occupy, humiliate and destroy the dreams and spirits of the Palestinian people and continue to call itself a democratic state.”
Rahall also opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq and worked hard to protect the lives of innocent civilians during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. For his work the Congressman has received the Philip C. Habib Distinguished Service Award and Halaby Public Service Award presented by Jordan’s Queen Noor. Elected at age 27, Rahall remains the youngest elected, longest serving member in the history of the U.S. House of Representatives.
For the past 38 years, Rahall represented southern West Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives. Though his work on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rahall became a national leader in transportation; and since 1977, helped lead every Federal highway debate. As Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, he consistently fought for a balanced use of the Nation’s resources and worked to expand jobs in his State while safeguarding its pristine natural wonders.
Congressman Nick Rahall is Lebanese American. His grandfather emigrated from Lebanon to West Virginia, peddling linens through coal camps. Rahall describes his family’s history as “the American dream come true”.

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