ADC Is Proud To Cosponsor Event At Busboys & Poets Featuring Palestinian Nonviolent Activist And Film Screening

When: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 5:30pm-8:30pm
1025 5th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Iyad Burnat is the coordinator for the popular committee in Bil’in, Palestine, a small farming village 7 miles west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. For ten years Iyad and the Popular Committee have organized the people to Bil’in to participate in weekly non-violent demonstrations against the confiscation of their land, destruction of their olive trees, and Israel’s illegal Separation Wall and settlements. This past summer Iyad’s 15-year-old teenage son was shot in the leg by the Israeli military, severing a nerve and requiring ongoing medical care.
As part of his month long Spring 2015 U.S. speaking tour, on Wednesday, April 8th, Iyad will visit Washington, D.C. to describe to our community what life is like under Israeli occupation, his village’s ongoing struggle for justice and freedom, and what inspires him to continue non-violent resistance. The talk will be accompanied by a special screening of the Emmy Award winning and Oscar nominated documentary “5 Broken Cameras”, which highlights the non-violent resistance movement in Bil’in. Click here to watch the trailer for 5 Broken Cameras.
“So we must continue to resist, for my children and for all our children, in the hopes that our efforts today will create a future for Palestinians in which we are safe and free.” – Iyad Burnat
Tickets are required for this FREE event. Tickets will be available starting Tuesday, March 10th at 10:00am. Seats are limited and this event will sell out – please register early. Click here to reserve tickets!
Donations are encouraged and may be made with your RSVP registration on EventBrite. Donations may also be made in-person at the event. All donations will be used to help the Burnat family cover costs of ongoing medical care for their 15-year-old son.
The event at Busboys & Poets is sponsored by the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), The US Campaign to the End the Israeli Occupation, CODEPINK, and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Click here to RSVP on Facebook.

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