ADC Intern Perspectives, The Arab-American and Japanese-American Parallel, Why Black Lives Matter + more

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Past Weeks Wrap-Up

ADC Blog Posts

Upcoming Events 


  • Thursday, August 13 at 1:00PM ET on Twitter.  #RestoreTheVRA Twitter Storm: Join @adctweets @civilrightsorg and other voting rights advocates on Twitter at 1PM ET and tell Congress to Restore the Voting Rights Act! Click here for sample #RestoreTheVRA tweets.

  • Apply for U.S. Department of Justice Attorney General’s Honors Program and Summer Law Intern Program. Deadline is September 8, 2015. Click here for details. 

  • America’s Journey For Justice: NAACP and activists like you are coming together to embark on an 860-mile journey to show the entire nation our lives, votes, jobs, and schools matter. Click here for details.


  • Friday, August 14th: Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet” film opens in Theaters in San Francisco, Irvine, Pasadena, Encino, Berkeley, and San Diego, CA. Click here for details. 

DC, Maryland and Virginia: 

  • Friday August 12th at 6:00pm-8:00pm in Washington, DC. The Jerusalem Fund hosts an Opening Reception for the Gallery Opening of Home Away from Home: Little Palestine by the Bay. Click here for details.

  • Saturday, August 16th at 12:00pm-9:00pm in Baltimore, MD. Islamic Society of Baltimore and Al-Rahmah School present the 3rd Annual Muslim Food Festival. Click here for details. 

  • Sunday, August 16th at 5pm at Busboys & Poets on 5th & K.  Peace Cafe: Gaza Unsilenced. Click here for details. 

  • September 11 – October 10 2015 in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and D.C. The Governors of MD, VA, WV, and the Mayor of DC have proclaimed Day to Serve as an annual event of service with the goal of helping those in need and improving the communities where we live. Click here to see how you can get involved in service events in your area.


  • Friday, August 14th: Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet” film opens at the Landmark Century Center Theater in Chicago, IL. Click here for details. 

Articles of Interest

Advocacy Campaigns


Tell Congress to Restore Voting Rights!


Tell Congress to support BDS!


Take Action to Stop Cyber Surveillance

Tell Congress to Reject the CVE Act!


Urge Your Senators not to Abandon Americans Stuck in Yemen!


Tell Congress to Pass the End Racial Profiling Act! 


Urge Congress to seek Justice for Alex Odeh!

Help us petition the CSAC for a Kahlil Gibran Stamp

Jack G. Shaheen Mass Communications Scholarships

Apply by March 30, 2016

ADC Anthony Shadid Internship Program

Apply now for Fall 2015

Follow ADC 

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Persons of the week


of the Week

Film of the

of the Week

ADC Summer Interns 2015

ADC is proud to congratulate and thank our summer 2015 interns: Naoufal, Faiza, Noor, Sandra, Lana, and Sam,  who have officially completed the Anthony Shadid Internship Program.

Read their stories in this year’s Intern Perspectives!

ADC National @adctweets 

PROTECT MY VOTE: “My ancestors died so that I can have a political voice.” #RestoreTheVRA #VRA50 #BlackLivesMatter

Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet

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