Washington, D.C. | November 6, 2007 | www.adc.org | Recently, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) was contacted by the family of a Dearborn, Michigan, resident concerning his detention and pending deportation from the United States. Upon learning and examining the details of his case, ADC intervened and successfully halted deportation proceedings against the gentleman who is the father of a 12-year old son who suffers from a life-threatening illness. ADC would like to express its gratitude to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which earlier today, released the gentleman on an Order of Supervision. By doing so, ICE has permitted the gentleman‘s attorney the opportunity to submit the application for an “administrative stay” from removal. This “administrative stay” would enable the gentleman to remain in the US for an extended period of time while he seeks medical attention for his 12-year old son.
ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora said, “We publicly thank immigration officials for making the correct decision and permitting the gentleman and his 12-year old son to remain in the US,” Shora added, “Through this decision, ICE has demonstrated respect for human life by giving this young man another chance to pursue needed medical treatment through opportunities not available elsewhere.”
The boy, only 12-years of age, suffers from Russell Silver Syndrome, and has had Neurosurgical procedures for a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt and Cardiology procedures for aortic arch coarctation. The boy‘s condition is more commonly known as Dwarfism. The brain shunt which drains fluid from his brain to his abdomen becomes occasionally blocked and a brain surgeon at a Detroit-area children‘s hospital needs to re-open it. In addition, the child also suffers from a heart condition and other organ problems as he has and will continue to have other medical intervention until he stabilizes. The boy has been taking growth hormone treatments since the end of 2003, and because of his treatments he needs to be seen by medical specialists every month or as needed.
The child, whose family is originally from Lebanon with Sierra Leone citizenship, is not able to receive the same necessary degree of medical care in either Lebanon or Sierra Leone. With ADC‘s assistance, the child‘s father was able to demonstrate to DHS that if the boy is taken away from the highly skilled physicians and equipment available in the US, he will simply become paralyzed to a greater extent and finally die.
The gentleman was picked up from his home by ICE officials on the night of October 21, 2007. On November 2, 2007, ADC raised an administrative humanitarian appeal to ICE Headquarters in Washington, DC. Earlier this morning the gentleman‘s attorney was notified that he would be released from detention, and further, an application for “administrative stay” should be filed immediately at the local ICE District office.
NOTE TO EDITORS: The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), which is non sectarian and non partisan, is the largest Arab-American civil rights organization in the United States. It was founded in 1980, by former Senator James Abourezk to protect the civil rights of people of Arab descent in the United States and to promote the cultural heritage of the Arabs. ADC has 38 chapters nationwide with chapters in every major city in the country, and members in all 50 states.
The ADC Research Institute (ADC-RI), which was founded in 1981, is a Section 501(c)(3) educational organization that sponsors a wide range of programs on behalf of Arab Americans and of importance to all Americans. ADC-RI programs include: research studies, seminars, conferences and publications that document and analyze the discrimination faced by Arab Americans in the workplace, schools, media, and governmental agencies and institutions. ADC-RI also celebrates the rich cultural heritage of the Arabs.
Contact: Laila Al-Qatami | ADC Communications Director
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee | www.adc.org
1732 Wisconsin Ave., NW | Washington, DC | 20007 Tel: 202-244-2990 | Fax: 202-244-7968 | E-mail: [email protected]