ADC Expresses Disapproval Regarding Michigan Congressman’s Offensive Video

Washington, DC | August 5, 2008 | | The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) relaying its extreme disapproval regarding statements and images used to highlight his energy independence plan. A section of the video seems to refer to Arabs as the enemy and insinuates that all Arabs are oil barons seeking profit to support terrorist activities.
In the video, Congressman Rogers displays a caricature of a man in traditional Arab garb with a voiceover that states: “These countries are using American money to expand their military, manipulate elections, and promote terrorism.” A caption stating: “Drive the oil prices up! We need more money for Jihad!” is also seen next to the caricature. The posting and use of such an image is not only denigrating to Arabs but serves no purpose other than to cast an extremely negative light on Arabs and Arab Americans.
In a letter to Congressman Rogers, ADC Communications Coordinator Tony Kutayli, and ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora, requested that the Michigan representative immediately and publicly disassociate himself from such fear-mongering tactics and reassess the content of his video.
Read ADC’s letter to Rogers