ADC Demands Response to FBI Label of “Ground Zero for Terrorism”


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

ADC Demands Response to FBI Labelling of Largely Arab-American Populated Cities as “Ground Zero for Terrorism”

Washington, D.C. | | August 7, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), in conjunction with its local ADC Michigan office, expresses serious concerns over the revelation that the United States government continues to expand the “terrorist watch-list” and engage in the unlawful surveillance of the Arab-American community. The Intercept revealed this new information in an article Thursday titled, “Barack Obama’s Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the Numbers.

In light of these revelations, ADC is scheduling a meeting with the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), to demand answers about the specifics and extent of the program. ADC has also called for a congressional inquiry into the continued unlawful surveillance practices of the administration. 

ADC President Samer Khalaf states, “The fact that the Obama Administration has boosted the no-fly list and watch list ten-fold is troubling. For years the community has worked with law enforcement and government agencies to develop a mutual trust and understanding. Such revelations go against these principles, and must not be taken lightly.”

ADC has regularly expressed concern over warrantless surveillance targeting Arab-Americans, as well as the use of racial profiling in singling out and vilifying members of the community. Given the recent revelations of the National Security Agency’s surveillance of Muslim- and Arab-American community leaders, it is troubling that this is a repetitive federal trend.

Even more troubling is the revelation the Dearborn, Michigan, the city with the highest concentration of Arab-Americans, is noted as the second largest terrorist threat in the country, behind New York City, which also has a substantial Arab-American population. The FBI has labeled such places as a “Ground Zero for Terrorism.” ADC will be working to push for immediate reform and an end to the unlawful practices. 

As the nation’s largest Arab-American civil rights organization, ADC will continue to monitor this matter.  If you, or anyone you know, is a victim of warrantless surveillance by the U.S. government, or has been placed on a “no fly list,” please call the ADC Legal Department at 202-244-2990, or via email to [email protected].

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