ADC Demands DOJ Drops Criminal Charges Against Rasmea Odeh
Washington, DC | | October 2, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) petitioned U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder demanding an immediate stop to the criminal proceedings and the indictment against Rasmea Odeh. Ms. Odeh is being charged with Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization in the Eastern District of Michigan. ADC strongly believes that the indictment is part of a systematic effort to intimidate and silence effective advocates for Arab American communities who speak out for Palestinian rights.
Ms. Odeh was charged with immigration fraud for allegedly not reporting a “conviction” by an Israeli military court in 1969. Ms. Odeh’s confession in Israel was illegally obtained by torture. Additionally, the current charges against her are the product of an illegal investigation targeting the Arab-American community. Click here to view the letter.
Rasmea Odeh is an exemplary citizen and a well-respected leader in the Chicago Arab-American community. Ms. Odeh has dedicated 40 years of her life to the community, working with women on issues ranging from promoting literacy and political education to addressing domestic violence and anti-Arab sentiment. She is currently the Associate Director of the Arab American Action Network, a social services organization that provides human and civil rights training. Ms. Odeh provides programming to help women learn English, understand American culture, and adjust to American society.
ADC is outraged that federal law enforcement agencies continue to waste resources by targeting nonviolent social activists such as Ms. Odeh, but have yet to bring charges against the Israeli suspects in the terrorist attack that killed Palestinian-American Alex Odeh in 1985. This double standard is antithetical to the American system of justice. ADC urges the Justice Department to stop holding Palestinians and Israelis to unequal standards.
Take Action to Support Rasmea Odeh
Join activists at the federal courthouse in Detroit, MI for the start of Ms. Odeh’s trial on Tuesday, November 4 at 8AM EST. The courthouse is located at 231 Lafayette Boulevard in Detroit.
Get on the Bus! Buses will leave from the Chicagoland area to the federal courthouse. Reserve your seat by emailing [email protected] with “Detroit Bus” as the subject line. Reservations can also be made by calling (773) 436-6060.
Sign the petition to drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh here.

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