ADC Demands Disciplinary Action Against Joan Rivers


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

ADC Demands Disciplinary Action Against
Joan Rivers For Racist Rant

Washington, DC | | August 13, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) demands disciplinary action against Joan Rivers from NBC in response to her recent racist comments on Palestinians and Gaza. Rivers took to the media to air her ignorant and uninformed opinions on the conflict. In one instance, she publicized her shockingly inhumane view that “Palestinians deserve to die.”

As mutual partners of the USA Network Characters Unite Program, ADC is currently in communication with NBC Universal to address Rivers’ blatant racism and is formally requesting that disciplinary actions be taken against Rivers immediately.

Rivers is a prime example of media actors either encouraging or obliging the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Her comments, in which she also says that all Palestinians should get nose jobs, make light of and intend to degrade the humanitarian crisis of which the Palestinians are victims. Israel’s immoral and illegal actions in Gaza have been slammed by organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as governments and peoples around the world.

Because Rivers has made a number of racist jokes against different communities that have been continuously written off as “controversial,” it is more important than ever for this offensive and inexcusable behavior to be addressed. ADC has also reached out to AMC and QVC on this issue. Ms. Rivers has a show on WE tv which is owned by AMC. Additionally, QVC markets several products associated with Ms. Rivers. ADC will continue working towards a resolution in this regard.

Take Action: Rivers has a line of clothing with QVC called “Joan Rivers Classics Collection.” Call the QVC customer service number at 1-800-367-9444 and the QVC corporate office at 1-484-701-1000 and tell them to drop Joan Rivers’ clothing line due to her racist rant.

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