ADC Continues Call for Community Action on Detroit News Issue

February 8, 2006
Washington, DC — In response to the outcry from the community, regarding Nolan Finley’s most recent racist editorial, titled Palestinians failed democracy, not the other way around, the Detroit News has offered community members the opportunity to write rebuttals. While ADC Michigan appreciates the News’ effort to present a balanced perspective on this matter, it maintains its call for the Paper to issue a formal apology and address the root of this issue, which is Mr. Finley’s continued attempt to spew hatred and bigotry through the pages of a respected publication. ADC insists that, while freedom of expression is a cherished right, hate speech has no place in the Detroit News, or any other publication for that matter. ADC Michigan continues its call for community members to insist on further action by the Detroit News. ADC extends its gratitude to all those who have actively communicated with the Detroit News. “Freedom of expression is not absolute and it comes with a great responsibility and moral authority,” states AC
Regional Director Imad Hamad. “It should never be used to advocate hate towards an entire population.”
Background Info
On Sunday, February 5, 2006, the Detroit News published an editorial by Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finely, titled Palestinians failed democracy, not the other way around. The editorial which can be viewed at discusses the outcome of the recent Palestinian elections and claims, “The Palestinians’ lust for Jewish blood is stronger than their desire to lead peaceful, secure lives, to rule an independent state, to lift themselves out of their misery.” Finley goes on to boldly state, “Terror defines Palestinians.” ADC continues its call to citizens to contact the Detroit News, voice their concerns over this outrageous editorial and demand an apology. Email the Publisher, Mr. David Butler, at [email protected]. For more information on this matter, contact the ADC Michigan Office at 313-581-1201.

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