ADC Concerned by SCOTUS Decision on Travel Ban

Washington, DC | |  December 5, 2017 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is extremely concerned by the United States Supreme Court’s decision allowing President Donald Trump’s Arab and Muslim Ban 3.0 to go into full effect. The Supreme Court, in a 7-2 ruling, held that the injunction put in place by lower courts against the Ban should be lifted as the lower court cases are fully litigated. The sweeping discriminatory impact this decision is going to have on Arabs and Muslims around the globe is deeply concerning to ADC.

With its ruling, the Supreme Court has validated what numerous lower federal courts have found to be inappropriate and unconstitutional actions by the Trump Administration. This decision, which comes on the heels of numerous anti-Muslim tweets from President Trump last week, will serve to stoke anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment across the U.S. This will only contribute to the xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and racist atmosphere that has gripped the U.S. since President Trump began running for office in 2015.

ADC commits to continuing its fight against the Trump Administration’s Arab and Muslim Bans. ADC will continue to offer pro bono legal assistance for those affected by the Supreme Court’s decision today and will maintain its involvement in the lower court federal cases currently pending. ADC will also continue working tirelessly with its numerous civil rights partners to stand united against the Arab and Muslim Bans. Arabs and Muslims have helped build this country and the ADC will not stand idly by as they are relentlessly attacked by the Trump Administration.

ADC cannot continue its work on behalf of our community without your most generous support. Please consider becoming a sustaining donor today by pledging a monthly donation of $25, $50 or $100. 

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