ADC Commemorates the 66th Anniversary of the Nakba (1948-2014)
Washington, DC | | May 15th, 2014- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee commemorates the 66th Anniversary of the Nakba. On May 15, 1948, Palestinians across the world mourn al-Nakba, the destruction of historic Palestine, the eradication of over 250 Arab villages, and the massive displacement of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the 1947- 48 Arab-Israeli war.
Al-Nakba was not a singular event; displacement continues to this day affecting thousands of Palestinians throughout the Middle East. There are approximately seven million Palestinian refugees and 450,000 internally displaced persons, representing 70% of the entire Palestinian population worldwide (9.8 million).
To learn more about the Nakba and the history of Palestinian dispossession visit the website of the Badil Resource Center. Click here to view a Google Map which details the Palestinian localities which were either destroyed after their capture, partially demolished, or remain standing until today. This grave injustice has been compounded by ongoing crisis’s in the region, which has resulted in the further displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
Sixty three years after their initial forced displacement from their homeland, Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons still lack access to voluntary durable solutions and reparations — which include return, restitution, and compensation — based on international law and UN resolutions.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is mandated to provide assistance to 1948 Palestinian refugees, and on an emergency and temporary basis to1967 Palestinian refugees and to those displaced as a result of subsequent hostilities. However, UNRWA faces many difficulties in implementing its mandate due to funding shortages and armed conflicts in the region, in particular Israel’s military occupation.
ADC is committed to a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Any peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires the following: The dismantlement of the Israeli Wall which is being constructed through the illegal annexation of Palestinian lands; the cessation and dismantlement of settlements; an end to the collective punishment imposed on the Palestinian population as a result of Israeli occupation policies; the creation of a viable and independent Palestinian state; and the upholding of the right of return of the Palestinian refugees under international law.
ADC will continue to advocate the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom, equality and self-determination.

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