Today, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day and the immense sacrifices women have made in the struggle for equality.
We recognize that our society has placed women into a class system to prevent their advancement and achievement based on gender. In spite of systematic obstacles and barriers, women are at the front lines of defending the principal of equality and liberty for all. From the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s to today’s Civil Rights Movement: Movement for Black Lives, Immigrant Justice, and Challenging the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Americans, the strength of women is unparalleled and embodied in the work of ADC.
Right now our country is in crisis, and we know the leadership and voices of women are integral to progress and change. Women’s rights are civil rights. ADC is committed to ensuring that women’s voices are elevated and assuring that their courage is never forgotten. Women are the hidden heroes that make immense contributions to society, not for the glory but for the silenced voices everywhere.