ADC Calls on U.S. Government to Assist
American Child Shot in Yemen
Washington, D.C. | | August 8, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is seeking immediate assistance from the U.S. government for 13-year-old American citizen Jayzon Michael Mosed. Earlier this week, Jayzon was shot in the face while visiting family in Yemen. His uncle, who was with him at the time of the shooting, was killed instantly.
Jayzon, a native of Dearborn Heights, Michigan, is in critical condition in a German Hospital in Yemen. ADC was contacted by the family of the young man after the U.S. embassy in Yemen rejected their pleas for help. The family is attempting to bring Jayzon to the United States to receive adequate medical attention. As an alternative, the family would like to take Jayzon to a neighboring country to receive the care he needs. Despite being an American citizen, the U.S. embassy has refused to provide direly needed assistance.
ADC has contacted the U.S. Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in an effort to secure the assistance needed.
Jayzon is described by his friends and family as full of life. He attended Priest Elementary School in Detroit, as well as Canton Elementary and Star International Academy. He loved to travel and is a fan of sports — particularly Detroit-based teams. His uncle stated that Jayzon is “an amazing nephew any uncle or aunt can wish for, a loving grandchild that any grandparent would love to have, a caring neighbor that any neighbor would care to have. He is an amazing student who is loved by his peers and teachers; a child to a loving mother and a son to a loving father.”
A clip about the story aired on My FOX Detroit and can be viewed here.
ADC will continue to work with the family in hopes of securing the care Jayzon needs. ADC will provide regular updates on the matter, and asks that you please keep Jayzon and his family in your thoughts and prayers. ADC encourages its members to use the hashtag #SaveJayzon when discussing this matter on social media.

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