Washington, DC — April 4, 2006-The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce this year’s class of law students who will be joining the ADC Legal Department as legal associates for this summer. The students are part of ADC’s Summer Internship Program; the Anthony Shadid Internship Program, named for the former ADC intern and pulitzer prize winner (For more information, please see ADC’s Internship Program).
Five of the law students will be spending 12-weeks in Washington, DC, while one will join the ADC-Michigan Office. They will work with the ADC Legal Department in addressing all aspects of ADC’s legal work. Most of the students have received public interest fellowships to work with ADC during the summer.
As part of their internship responsibilities, each student is required to write a law review style paper with a minimum of 25-pages on any topic relevant to the legal issues addressed by ADC. The students are also asked to conduct a 30-minute presentation of their papers and are encouraged to publish their papers in legal journals. Furthermore, they are responsible for conducting a “know your rights” workshop during the ADC National Convention (For more information, please Click Here).
As in previous years, ADC received over 90 applications from highly qualified law students across the United States for the six positions available this summer in Washington and Michigan. This year’s summer legal associates are:
1) Ms. Janan Hamad who will be concluding her first year of law school at the Syracuse University College of Law
2) Mr. Fahed Al-Rawaf who will be concluding his second year of law school at the University of Tulsa School of Law
3) Ms. Marjan Daftary who will be concluding her first year of law school at the City University of New York School of Law at Queens College
4) Mr. Umar Farooq who will be concluding his second year of law school at the University at Buffalo Law School
5) Mr. Shahin Milani who will be concluding his first year of law school at the Howard University School of Law
6) Ms. Samia Alam who will be concluding her second year of law school at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and the University of Windsor Faculty of Law. Ms. Alam will join the ADC-Michigan Office.